Dear Santa: Can I ask for the AIBA to just wise up and show fair play?

Boxer Paddy Barnes wants an end to cheating in the sport, and if there are any bikes going spare . . .

Boxer Paddy Barnes asked for a bike almost every single year

Dear Santa,

Well, Santa, what's the craic? It's me, Paddy. You'll probably remember me as the kid who asked you for a bike almost every single year. In fairness, you delivered quite a few times. There were a few occasions, mind, that I went one better than a plain old two-wheeler and asked for a scrambler or a quad. You never brought either of those, although I reckon my mum had something to do with that. Funnily enough, I never really asked for boxing gear – that was something that I got into in my later teenage years, after I'd given up on a career in football.

It was always important to me, Santa, for you to leave a present at the end of my bed every year. It’s a tradition that I’m carrying on with my own daughter, Eireann. She’s only two so she still doesn’t really know what’s going on at Christmas, but I can’t wait till she’s older.

It’s been a pretty big year for me, overall. I boxed for Ireland at the Olympics, which didn’t quite go to plan – but let’s not go there. I did get to be the flag-bearer at the opening ceremony, which was just a surreal experience; something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. If you’re still handing out Christmas wishes, by the way, can I use one of mine to ask for the AIBA to just wise up and show fair play? There are young kids coming through from different countries, and it’d be nice for everyone to have a fair crack of the whip and not be cheating like they did in Rio.

I recently turned professional, so next year is gonna be interesting. By the time you read this, I’ll have made my pro debut in my hometown, Belfast. The plan is to make a nice record by becoming European champion and World champion in the fewest number of fights. Then there’s another new experience on the horizon for me and my fianceé Mari in 2017 – a new brother or sister for wee Eireann.


So, Santa, I really don't have that much to ask you for this year. But if there are any bikes going spare, you know where I am.

All the best,

After a hugely celebrated amateur career including three Olympic games, Paddy Barnes MBE turned professional in September 2016, making his debut in Belfast in November