Dear Santa: ‘Give as many of our homeless as you can safe and secure homes’

Actor Cathy Belton wants Santa to lay his sacks of magic on the hearths of the Simon Community and the Fr Peter McVerry Trust

Cathy Belton remembers Santa leaving muddy boot prints on the living room carpet

Dear Santa,

For most of my young years and indeed into my adult years, thanks to my beautiful nephews, you have thrilled me, stunned me, delighted me, wowed me – and at times, terrified me! From the year of my first Cry Baby doll that brought tears to my one-year-old eyes, to the year of the beautiful blue Raleigh racer that you tried to stuff in my stocking, to the year of the Walkman complete with my beloved Wham! tapes, to the year of the rollerskates (the roller hockey game on the green that Christmas was sensational) . . . thank you. However, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for the year you brought my little sister her first trumpet – God love our long-suffering ears during her eternal painful practice!

Most of all, I want to thank you for the magic, drama and chaos you brought to my home. I swore I heard you rustling up in the chimney with your lists – even as early as September, one year. In our house, you always had muddy boots Santa; the trail of your boot prints on our living room carpet each Christmas stunned me! The year I doubted your existence – still quite young – was the year you left some of your white beard on the brandy glass. I kept it in a matchbox as some evidence when we all needed some proof. Some sad non-believers said it was cotton wool, but we knew and cherished our evidence.

Dear Santa, when I think back on my past Christmases, all these glorious memories were made in a happy, crazy, warm and secure home with a loving family. So, this Christmas, my letter to you is a big ask: it is a request to give as many of our homeless as you can safe and secure homes so that they and their families can create some of the same happy memories that I had. Far be it from me to tell you where to lay your sacks of magic this year – but if I could suggest the welcoming hearths of the Simon Community and the Fr Peter McVerry Trust?

Yours, forever a believer,

Cathy Belton currently plays Patricia Hennessy in TV3's Red Rock