Dear Santa: ‘This year I’m grand for presents’

Musician Wallis Bird would like her present to go to someone who has nothing

Wallis Bird once heard Santa’s bells as he flew across the sky.

Dear Santa,

How are you? Are you all set for your big journey? I'd love to join you some day – my friend Elissa said she saw you flying across the sky one time. And I think I heard your bells ringing one time late at night, but I kept my eyes closed 'cos I didn't want to see you, I was too excited! That was a brilliant morning. My brother John James woke us all up screaming 'cos he got a present of a cool car that drives with a control – and the sock at the end of the bed was Dad's sock, so it was massive and it was full to the top with sweets!

I loved my present last year, thank you very much. I wear the bathrobe all the time and I love it so much, I’m even in it now! I hope you got what you wished for and you had a lovely Christmas with Mrs Claus. My family were all together and we had great craic playing games and laughing our heads off. We always wear funny Christmas hats and play a game of Pictionary after dinner. Rhys and myself made up a game called ‘Birdinary’– it’s like a mixture of Pictionary and charades. It’s so funny! Mam and Dad made a beautiful dinner and we ate deadly trifle for ages afterwards.

Santa, this year I’m grand for presents. I don’t need anything in the world ’cos I’m really happy and I have loads of things I love; thank you, though. Actually, if you could just give the present to someone who wasn’t expecting something, that would be better. My mam said there are loads of children who aren’t able to have Christmas because of wars or their families are in heaven, so maybe give them my present.

Please be careful on the journey and please God we’ll see you next year!


Lots of love,
Wallis x

Wexford native Wallis Bird's new album Home is out now. She plays countrywide during January, including a date at Vicar Street on January 19th.