Ethnic cooking days

Would you like to spend a day learning to cook Thai style? The effervescent Eveleen Coyle of Fabulous Food Trails has linked …

Would you like to spend a day learning to cook Thai style? The effervescent Eveleen Coyle of Fabulous Food Trails has linked up with Saba restaurant in Clarendon Street Dublin and devised a terrific programme.

First, you'll meet at the restaurant at 10am for a traditional Thai breakfast of rice with fish. "Sounds awful for breakfast but is so delicious," says Coyle.

While you sup, the restaurant's chef, Tao, will explain what kind of foods are usually stocked in a Thai kitchen, before doing a full demonstration. Then it's on with the coats and off to Asia Market in nearby Drury Street, where Tao will explain some of the more esoteric ingredients. Next stop, a conventional supermarket, to see how more familiar foods can be substituted. Then back to Saba to eat.

The next class is on Sunday, March 9th. It's necessary to book in advance, and places cost €175. Coyle, who also runs Indian and Japanese-themed days, says they have become popular wedding and birthday gifts.