Finding joy in the pandemic: Some random acts that made people happy this week

Twitter users have been telling us what has been making them #IrishTimesHappy

Signs of happiness in the new world of coronavirus. Photograph: iStock

Perhaps now more than ever, we need to cling to the stuff that even the spectre of coronavirus cannot spoil: A five year old learning to ride a bike. Glorious sunsets. Great drying out. Cute dogs. And cats.

When we asked Twitter users to tell us what was making them #IrishTimesHappy they responded with a wave of positivity.

It’s clear that even in the midst of a pandemic, life continues and people stop to appreciate all kinds of joyful moments.

You can join in on twitter or email your uplifting observations to


Here are some of the happy thoughts we've received ... If you are reading on The Irish Times app, click here to view