'I know it’s close season when I’m downing a curry, cheese and chips on the weekend'

What I Eat: Mark Rohan, Paralympic cyclist

Mark Rohan winning gold for Ireland in last year's Paralympic Games in London. Photograph: Greg Smith/Inpho

What did you eat yesterday?

For breakfast I had porridge with honey, seed mix and blueberries, two yoghurts, two boiled eggs and a slice of homemade brown bread. Yesterday was a gym day. Lunch was a chicken wrap, and then later on at night I had a roast beef dinner.

On a race day, what do you eat and when?

Depends what time the race is at. If it was morning, I would eat a high-carb meal the night before, so lasagne or pasta or chicken and rice.

Then breakfast would be the same as yesterday and I’d move it to about four hours before race time. After that, it would be energy bars and drinks mainly.

It would differ depending on whether it was a road race or a time trial. I'd have more for a road race.

Anything you do without that you particularly miss?

Oh yeah. Curry, cheese and chips. I know it's close season when I'm downing one of those on the weekend.

Favourite place to eat out?

The Locke in Athlone is a really nice restaurant. There's a Thai restaurant called Kin Khao in Athlone as well that I like. Athlone has some great restaurants. There's a strip of them in the old town there that are lovely.

Scale of 1 to 5, how much do you enjoy cooking?

Oh five, definitely. I love cooking. There's a lot of spare time as a full-time athlete so I like to spend it cooking. I cook most of the meals I eat.

What would you cook most often?

A lot of pasta. Spaghetti Bolognese would be one, the other would be a spicy chorizo and tomato pasta.

I cook one or other of them and have enough for a couple of days. It’s handy.