I don’t really feel guilty about anything I eat. There are no good or bad foods in my book, there’s just a personal balance to be found and I freely admit it isn’t easy!
I eat very little junk, and smaller amounts than ever these days, but obviously I still eat way too much for my ageing metabolism.

Food calms me down, there’s no denying it. It feels good while I’m eating it, and when I’ve eaten it. And in stressy times I know from experience that feeling guilty about my little helper only makes things worse.
One thing I AM a wee bit ashamed of is eating in my car. I drive a lot and dread the moment (it’s coming) when, at a red light, someone who knows me sees me dip my Dorito into my coriander hummus and miss my mouth.
Or when my prawn mayo sandwich filler makes a break for freedom into my lap as I take a hasty, one-handed bite.
Or when the icing falls off the heavenly Lettercollum Kitchen Project lemon polenta cake that forces me to double park in Clonakilty on my way to Cork.
It has to stop.
Trish Deseine's latest book, Home: Recipes from Ireland, is published by Hachette Cuisine, priced €25