Quick, easy and delicious Mediterranean spiced-lamb wraps

Kitchen Cabinet: This dish is great to prepare in advance, so it takes only minutes to serve

Myles O’Brien’s Mediterranean minced lamb with yogurt dip, garlic flatbread, and mango and tomato salsa

This dish is popular in my house. It's is quick, easy and delicious. I always use whatever local lamb I can get my hands on. What I like about this dish is you can prepare it in advance. On our days off we normally want to eat something nice without spending too much time in the kitchen. When the family comes home and we eat and relax with a nice wine or Mescan craft beer. It only takes minutes to serve this up if you have made the salsa in advance.

Myles O'Brien is chef-owner at the Tavern at Murrisk, in Co Mayo


Serves four

For the lamb
500g minced shoulder lamb
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground coriander
1 bunch fresh coriander
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 shallots, chopped finely
3 red chillies, chopped finely
Juice and zest of 2 limes
Salt and pepper

For the mango salsa
1 small white onion
1 ripe mango
4 ripe vine tomatoes
Flat-leaf parsley or coriander, chopped

To serve
2 tortilla wraps per person, sized to fit your pan
Iceberg lettuce, shredded
250g natural yogurt
30g garlic butter


Sweat the chopped shallots in a heavy-based pot, on low heat, until clear.

2 Turn the heat up and add minced lamb and spices and cook until coloured.

3 Add garlic, chopped chillies, juice and zest of limes and simmer on low heat for 12 minutes.

4 Add chopped coriander, taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper to your taste.

5 For the mango salsa, deseed the tomatoes and mango and chop into small cubes.

6 Dice onion and mix with the tomatoes and mango, then add the herbs.

7 Leave in the fridge at least an hour before serving, if possible.

8 To serve, grill or pan-fry a wrap on one side until just coloured. Spread garlic butter on the soft side, then add lettuce, lamb, and salsa, and top with a tablespoon of yogurt.

Kitchen Cabinet is a series of recipes from chefs who are members of Euro-Toques Ireland, who have come together during the coronavirus outbreak to share some of the easy, tasty things that they like to cook and eat at home #ChefsAtHome