Grape and Parmesan risotto

Grape and Parmesan risotto: you can drizzle olive oil over it.
Serves: 6
Course: Main Course
Cooking Time: 0 hr 35 mins


  • 1.2l chicken stock (you may not need all of this)
  • 80g butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 400g Arborio rice
  • 1 glass white wine
  • 30 mixed seedless grapes, cut in half
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 100g Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 2 bay leaves

1 Heat the stock to just below simmering point.

2 In a large saucepan melt the butter with the oil over a medium heat.

3 Add the onion and bay leaves and cook slowly with a lid on until the onions are tender (about 20 minutes).

4 Add the rice and stir until it is coated with butter.

5 Add the wine, stirring until it is absorbed.

6 Pour half the stock over the rice and bring to a gentle boil, making sure no rice is left around the edges. You only need to stir once or twice until the stock is absorbed.

7 Add the remainder of the stock ladle by ladle. (You may not need it all.)

8 When the rice is just tender but still a little runny, stir most of the grated Parmesan into the risotto, keeping a little back for garnish. Remove the bay leaves.

9 Spoon on to warm plates. Scatter the grapes on top.

10 Sprinkle with the remainder of the Parmesan, and away you go – although if

you have some fancy olive oil at home, at this stage you could drizzle a little over the top.

Paul Flynn

Paul Flynn

Paul Flynn is a chef, restaurateur and contributor to The Irish Times. He and his wife, Máire, run the Tannery restaurant and cookery school in Dungarvan, Co Waterford