- 900g Pink Fir Apple or waxy new potatoes (for example Anya or Charlotte)
- 1 tbsp good quality sea salt, such as Maldon or a coarse Irish sea salt
1. Combine the potatoes and salt in a wide pan and add enough water to just cover the potatoes.
2. Set the pan over a high heat and bring to a fast boil. Reduce the heat as needed to maintain a strong simmer. Cook the potatoes until they are just tender, about 15 to 25 minutes, depending on size.
3. Pour off all but half an inch of the water and return the pan to the hob. Increase the heat to high and roll the potatoes around in the reduced salt water until the water evaporates, the pan is completely dry and the salt crystallizes; this will take about three minutes.

4. Continue rolling the potatoes around until the pan is completely dry and the potatoes are evenly coated in a salt crust, about another minute or two. Serve immediately in a warmed dish.