Video: Food on film

Lough Erne steals the show in new Tourism Ireland online food film

Chef Noel McMeel of Lough Erne Resort, who stars in Tourism Ireland’s latest online food film. Photograph: Tony Pleavin

Chef Noel McMeel, who cooked for world leaders at this summer's G8 Summit at Lough Erne Resort, anchors the second Tourism Ireland online food film, released today, but the real star of the two-minute slot is the Fermanagh lakelands.

Cue cute pig alert as Enniskillen butcher Pat O’Doherty is filmed feeding his saddlebacks on Inish Corkish island, and there’s a starring role too for the Kettyle beef herd. Tickety-moo ice-cream and Broighter Gold rapeseed oil also feature, and chef McMeel creates a lavish menu using these local products.

You can view the video below.
