Are you passionate about wine and want to win a prize worth more than €10,000, including a trip for two to Bordeaux? Or would a four-night gourmet adventure in Ireland, taking in dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants and luxury hotels, be more to your taste?

Food Month at The Irish Times launches today and will run until Tuesday, November 30th. As part of the initiative, we have two exciting reader competitions, launching today.
Are you an amateur wine aficionado? The K Club is inviting Irish Times readers to enter a competition to play a part in The K Club’s wine team for 2022. The winner will get to spend time with The K Club’s sommelier, Lisa O’Doherty, shadowing her at three events and tastings over the course of the year, and will also win a two-night trip for two people to visit Château Magnol, the vineyard of wine-makers Barton & Guestier in Bordeaux.

The prize also includes a food and wine masterclass afternoon with O’Doherty in The K Club wine cellar for the winner and three friends, with an overnight stay.
Another reader will win an amazing package from the CLIFF hotels and restaurants. The winner and their guest will enjoy a two-night stay at Cliff at Lyons in Celbridge, Co Kildare, with dinner in the two-star Michelin restaurant Aimsir on one night, and another dinner at The Mill restaurant.
They will also win a two-night stay at the Cliff House Hotel in Ardmore, Co Waterford, with dinner in House Restaurant, which has one Michelin star, and in Bar Restaurant on the other evening.
For details of how to enter the K Club competition, click here. For details of the CLIFF competition, click here.