For the little people

Make a butterfly garden in a sunny corner

Make a butterfly garden in a sunny corner. Plant achillea, butterfly bush (Buddleia), hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum), marjoram, Sedum spectabile, Verbena bonariensis and stinging nettle - the only plant on which Small Tortoiseshells, Peacocks and Red Admirals lay their eggs. (See also:

Build a living willow structure from long willow cuttings which root into the ground in a few months. Make a tunnel, dome, wigwam or bower where kids can play. Or enlist their help in planting a "fedge" - a cross between a fence and hedge. Best done during the winter months. (See also:

Make a sensory garden, celebrating the five senses: sight (pretty and colourful plants); smell (fragrant flowers and aromatic foliage); taste (edible plants); touch (furry, hairy or textured plants) and hearing (swishing ornamental grasses, home-made wind chimes).

Make a shallow wildlife pond (but not if there are toddlers and infants in the family). The sides should be sloped, or stepped, to ensure that creatures can get in and out. (See also: