Getting better with age

To combat ageism and prove that you don't have to stop working when the state tells you to, Friends of the Elderly have launched…

To combat ageism and prove that you don't have to stop working when the state tells you to, Friends of the Elderly have launched a nationwide search for Ireland's oldest working person. The organisation is looking for a nomination from every community in Ireland and from every profession - they want to hear about the oldest shop-worker, chef, farmer, vet, mechanic or barman (such as 88-year-old Tom Frawley from Lahinch, Co Clare, pictured right).

"Say No To Ageism Week" begins on Monday, and a the oldest working person in each community will take part in a national final on Friday, at which Ireland's Oldest Working Person 2008 will receive their award. The only qualifying criterion is that the older person must work for at least 20 hours a week outside the home. For more details, see

Michael Kelly