Have your say: How are you managing working from home?

Are you more or less productive? Who is doing the childminding and housework?

If you are a working parent, who is minding your children while you work? Photograph: iStock

Most offices in Ireland have been closed since mid-March due to Covid-19, with many employees continuing to work from home.

Are you starting to miss the office? Do you think you are more or less productive at home? How are you finding video conferencing and other technologies that assist with remote working?

If you are a working parent, who is minding your children? Are you also trying to homeschool your kids while working? Are you dividing other household duties with your partner, such as cooking and cleaning, and if so, how is this working out? Do you think working from home is sustainable for you in the longer term? Would you like to continue working from home after the Covid-19 crisis is over, either full time or a few days per week?

You can share your views using this form.


A selection of responses may be published on irishtimes.com.

You may attach a photograph of yourself if you wish.

Thank you.