Are you pregnant? Ask your Fitbit

Woman finds out she is pregant from her fitness tracker

The pregnant woman’s Fitbit was showing her heartbeat being consistently high and high levels of fat burning.

Is your fitness tracker acting up, misreporting your heart rate and claiming you’re burning unrealistic amounts of fat? You might be pregnant.

Well that was the case for one user of Reddit, who posted on the site to find tech support for his wife's fitness tracker. Redditor YoungPTone wrote that his wife's Fitbit was "showing her heartbeat being consistently high over the last few days.

“Two days ago, a somewhat normal day, she logged 10 hours in the fat burning zone, which I would think to be impossible based on her activity level. Also, her calories burned do seem accurate. I would imagine if she was in the the fat burning zone she would burn a ton of calories, so its not lining up.”

Other Redditors dutifully responded with technical support, pointing out that the most recent update of the Fitbit’s firmware made heart rate tracking “inconsistent”. They suggested a hard reset could fix that problem.


But another Redditor focused on the Fitbit’s user. A user named Thatwasunpleasant asked: “Has she experienced anything really stressful in the last few days or is it a possibility she is pregnant?”

Sure enough, YoungPTone replied that “pregnancy is a strong possibility”.

Then he shared his rising heart rate. “I might be a dad, YIKES. Now i gotta watch my own heart rate lol,” he added.

A day later, he updated the thread with confirmation: “I’m going to be a dad!”

“This is real, the fear is real, the excitement is very real! I am a regular guy who was just looking for the communities help with his wife’s technology issue. Little did I know I got a lot more than I bargained for.

“Now I’m a regular guy who is preparing to have his first child brought into the world.”

YoungPTone and his wife’s baby is due to be born in October this year

Congratulations, YoungPTone and family.