Ask us anything: Send us your Covid-related queries on relationships, sex, parenting

The Irish Times experts answer your questions

As restrictions are slowly easing, there comes a whole new set of changes to navigate. Photograph: iStockphoto

The past four months have brought wide-ranging changes to all of our lives. The Covid-19 pandemic, and the resultant lockdown measures, changed how we live, work, love and parent. For many people it has altered the paths of their relationships – for better or worse – it has impacted on financial and job security, and brought pressure on our mental health. And now, as restrictions are slowly easing, there comes a whole new set of changes to navigate.

Our advice columnists are here to help. If you have any questions about how your life has changed as a result of Covid-19 and what to do next, you can submit them anonymously using the form below for psychotherapist Trish Murphy, parenting expert John Sharry and sex and relationships columnist Roe McDermott.

A selection of questions will be answered online and in The Irish Times Magazine.

We regret that personal correspondence cannot be entered into, and only questions selected for publication will be answered.


Thank you.