Why I love to . . . do reformer pilates

Pastime helped Deirdre O’Shaughnessy rebuild her strength and alleviate her back pain

Deirdre O’Shaughnessy: “I have a waist for the first time in my life and I’ve never had so many compliments on my figure.”

After the birth of my son, almost a year ago, my back was in bits and an old hip problem had been exacerbated too. Reformer pilates was the answer to my prayers.

I aim to get to class twice a week at my local studio in Cork, but if I can make it once that’ll do! The classes are small with just eight people and they’re tailored because many people have been referred to reformer pilates by physiotherapists. After a couple of months, I found my physical strength had really returned, my back pain disappeared and the problem with my hip has even been much improved.

I’ve hardly been back to physio since I started and I was a very regular customer. I didn’t start pilates for the aesthetic benefits, but the toning effect has been pretty dramatic – I have a waist for the first time in my life and I’ve never had so many compliments on my figure. I still do yoga for the headspace it offers, but reformer pilates is the way to go for physical fitness. I’ll be keeping it up throughout this pregnancy and for the long haul.

Deirdre O'Shaughnessy is a journalist and radio editor.