Why I love . . . training

Training is an outlet, not only for shaping your body but also your mind

In the 2000s Robbie Sheridan decided to give MMA a try

My love of exercise began back in the 1990s. I had been mugged as a teenager and I wanted to find a way to defend myself. I discovered Japanese jiu-jitsu and became obsessed, training three to four times a week. Everything about the art form inspired me – I loved the formality, discipline and respect required to take part in every class. It made my body and mind strong.

In the 2000s, I heard about a new form of martial arts becoming popular – mixed martial arts (MMA) – and a couple of friends and I decided to give it a try. I became heavily involved, sometimes training twice a day. MMA is a lot less formal than Japanese jiu-jitsu, and it’s all about physicality and strength, learning to fight and look after yourself.  Having always been insecure, both martial arts transformed my body and mind, giving me confidence and strength I would never have had otherwise.

In 2009 my son Tadhg was born. The team at Temple Street Hospital were incredible and I was inspired by the work they were doing. The Dublin Marathon was on at the time and I decided to run and raise funds for them, just to help in any way that I could. That was the start of my love of running.

For me, running is less time consuming – I can stick on my trainers and hit the road, or get out for a hike. I love the headspace it gives me. For anyone considering trying any of these activities, I would say take baby steps. Walk before you run. Training is an outlet, not only for shaping your body but also your mind. It's a part of my daily life I won't do without.