Have your say: How are you coping with the lockdown now?

Tony Holohan has warned about ‘slippage’ in compliance. Are you feeling the strain?

People out for a walk in Dublin’s Herbert Park this week. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Data from mobile phones and seismic sensors has suggested an increase in activity, or a "slippage" in public compliance with the social distancing restrictions, chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said on Thursday. He said while people may feel Ireland is on "a pathway towards the slackening of measures on May 5th, that is not the case".

We would like to hear how readers are handling the restrictions now. How are you coping with working from home, homeschooling children, social distancing in shops and the 2km limit for exercise? Do you find you are getting used to it with time, or is it becoming more difficult? What impact is it having on your mental health? What concerns do you have for family members, or friends? Have you noticed “slippage” in public compliance? How do you feel about the measures possibly being extended beyond May 5th?

You can share your views and experiences using this form. A photograph is optional. If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission.

A selection of responses may be published on irishtimes.com.


Thank you.