Health Scan: Dr Pixie McKenna

Dr Pixie McKenna: loves mayonnaise and frozen peas.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
There is always room for improvement but on the whole, yes. I eat well, sleep well and look after myself. Everything in moderation – including moderation – is my motto. I enjoy a glass of wine, a good blast of sunshine and a sneaky bit of butter on the spuds. I am strict about not snacking so I'm generally a three meals a day kind of girl.

How often do you exercise?
I run three times a week either on my own or it can be a family affair with baby in the buggy and my boxer dog following behind. I also cycle charity events on a regular basis, which involves a flat-out 100km of pedal power. Like many Irish people I'm a rubbish swimmer so I'm working on that having just started lessons.
Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?

I try to do the "high five" as I call it so I will always add an apple and a banana to my lunch. Dinner usually has lots of greens. I adore peas – the frozen ones, embarrassingly – so I try to sneak them into everything.

Do you worry?
I'm a pretty cool customer but my husband broke his neck last month while trying to re-ignite his rugby career aged 43, so life is a bit highly charged. Thankfully he is neither dead nor paralysed so the initial worry is over. Generally speaking, I don't see the point of worrying.

What do you do to relax?
I am a prolific shopper. My idea of heaven is shopping solo in a store with no mobile service and no time constraints.

What's your worst habit?
My worst physical habit is biting my nails.

My worst personal habit is full-fat Hellmann’s mayonnaise. Food heaven; cholesterol hell.


My worst professional habit is saying yes to work when I really mean no because I’m snowed under.

Dr Pixie McKenna recently launched Actavis’s generics awareness campaign, which can be viewed online at