Health Scan: Feargal Quinn

Feargal Quinn: His real relaxation comes from spending time with his 16 grandchildren.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
I believe I have a reasonably healthy lifestyle but I'm not sure my wife, Denise, would agree.

I have a friend in the United States called Steve Burd who runs a big chain of supermarkets.

He loves to eat ice cream cones but claims that he always runs for five miles if he has one, so I like to try to do the same.

How often do you exercise?
I exercise every second day and have a wonderful personal trainer called Martin Hearns who is a bully, but a nice one. I have a session with him twice a week.


Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?
My wife, Denise, feeds me a healthy breakfast each day of five pieces of fruit, yoghurt and a coffee.

Do you worry?
I gave it up for Lent years ago.

What do you do to relax?
I play some golf and I love to garden.

My real relaxation, however, comes with my grandchildren. There are 16 of them in total.

Twelve of them live near us and I have great fun with the smaller ones.

What's your worst habit?
My executive assistant for the past 27 years would probably say I am a workaholic.

She claims she has never been promoted in all of those 27 years.

In conversation with