Masks on planes: ‘I can’t understand why people take chances with their lives’

Readers who have recently flown or intend to soon share their views on masks on flights

‘I view masks as more for other people’s protection than mine,’ writes Tom from Co Kildare

Earlier this month, Dr Muiris Houston wrote about how a number of unknowns make it difficult to recommend ditching the facemask when travelling on an airplane.

We asked readers if they will wear a mask if they are going abroad on a plane this summer. Here are a selection of the replies.

"I will definitely wear a mask on a plane next time I travel. I don't suffer from any illness myself, but I think out of consideration for others, particularly immuno-compromised people, it is the right thing to do; it's hardly a burden or a huge inconvenience. I'm surprised at how precious some people can get about wearing a small mask, and I think it is safer and healthier too on such a confined space with air recirculating. No-brainer, really." – Sacha, Co Dublin

"Just back on a flight from Barcelona to Shannon. Many people on board not wearing masks and some had them down around their necks. Rules were not adhered to. Staff didn't tell anyone to put them on, or was there any announcement to do so. It's scandalous to see no enforcement of the rules." – Vincent, Co Limerick


"I was on an Emirates flight recently and I was delighted that masks were mandatory. I would prefer if all airlines were to adhere to mandatory mask wearing. I will continue to wear mine both in the airport and aboard the aircraft for the foreseeable future." – Majella, Co Dublin

"Of course I will wear a mask. In fact, I would be reluctant to fly with a carrier that does not have a mask mandate. I still wear one in shops, supermarkets and other enclosed spaces, as do many others in my part of France. Mask wearing remains mandatory in all healthcare settings, including pharmacies, and on public transport here. I have thankfully, so far, managed to avoid catching Covid. Why would anyone unnecessarily expose themselves, and others, by not wearing a mask in the enclosed space of an aircraft cabin?" – Taragh, France

"I will wear an N95 mask in the airport and on a plane if I decide to fly. I am asthmatic and prone to upper respiratory infections with experience of catching something whilst travelling. Air travel not looking attractive at present!" – Patricia, Co Dublin

"I shall wear a mask. Even before Covid, I used to get a sore throat after flights, in particular Ryanair and Easy Jet. So add Covid variants to the mix, and it is logical for me to wear one. I would prefer if fellow passengers wore a mask. Though, of course, I shall put up with their choice." – Jacinta, Co Cork

"I will continue to wear a mask on flights, as well as any indoor setting where possible. I am not happy to share flights or public transport with people not masking. In particular, the parts at the start and end of the flight are well-known to be dangerous as the cabin air filtration is turned off and exhaled air is allowed to accumulate. I carry a C02 monitor and on previous flights I've seen the reading go up around 3000ppm, about 4x the safe level. There are too many concerning reports coming out about medium to long term side effects from becoming infected. You just don't know how your immune system will react to this virus. Until there is more certainty around prognosis and treatment, I will not be comfortable." – Owen, Co Limerick

"Apart from the fact I'm immuno compromised (having had 3 totally unrelated cancers), I have asthma and won't take stupid chances. Even if I didn't have these issues, I would still wear a mask as I know of people with long Covid. It's a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned. Can't understand how/why people would take chances with their lives. In years to come, I will probably be last one standing with a mask. After all, life is too precious." – Mar, Co Dublin

"I am elderly, in recovery from cancer with still low immune system, but worried about Covid. Yet, I don't want to be stuck in the house, two years is enough. Among other things I want to enjoy some travel while I am still able. I think all travellers should be aware of other passengers' worries and respect them by wearing a mask." – Elizabeth, Co Antrim

"I will continue to mask if I get on a plane at all. At this point, we are still choosing to drive when faced with 1,500 miles trips between home and family. The newer planes do filter well. But we are not commonly put on newer planes. Usually, the planes are older so quality of filtration varies. The amount of time sitting on the tarmac results in very poor quality air. All should mask on airliners for safety. The time in queue in the airport also greatly increases exposure and risk." – Candace, USA

"Flew from Dublin to Gdansk and back in April. Nobody was wearing masks except staff and a few of us, on either trip." – Hugh, Co Dublin

"Yes, I will wear a mask, because Covid is still a serious risk. I am triple vaxxed and reasonably healthy, but I don't think that is a reason to be complacent, and it is also simply basic regard for the safety of other more vulnerable people." – Fionnuala, Australia

"I recently returned to Ireland from Australia and wore a mask for the full journey (except when eating/drinking). I have managed to stay Covid-free over the past two years, despite taking a couple of internal flights within Australia, and hope to remain so. I view masks as more for other people's protection than mine. I resent other people putting my health at risk by refusing to wear a mask when in close proximity to me in an enclosed space such as a plane, where I cannot take evasive action. I will continue to wear a mask on any flight I undertake for the foreseeable future." – Tom, Co Kildare