Luxurious bath robe
Frequent trips out of your bed are unavoidable when there's a baby in the house. So look for the softest, cosiest, dressing gown you can find for new parents, such as the Autograph, hooded "shimmer-soft" one in grey or black at Marks & Spencer (€55) for her, or a Christy Supreme Bath Robe in a variety of colours (reduced to €63.50 at Arnotts) for him.
It won't help with the sleep deprivation but the wearers will appreciate the extra comfort when doing the night feed or walking the floorboards with a bawling baby. SW
Dublin Zoo annual pass
It might sound pricey at €112 for individual membership and €168 for a family pass but considering the former entitles you to bring two children or an adult and the latter six children or three adults, an annual pass is actually great value. If the parents you are giving to live near the Phoenix Park in Dublin, or Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, and have children of a certain age, they will really appreciate this. JC

Babysitting voucher
This won't cost you anything but your time – but it's precious time away from demanding children that you will be gifting to the parents. Help focus their minds by specifying the date(s) you are coming around to take charge (with room for negotiation), otherwise they may never get around to organising themselves.
It doesn’t have to be night-time or for hours on end – couples just want, and need, time out together alone.
When your children are toddlers, a chance to chat quietly in a cafe over a cup of coffee is a treat. And if the present is for a single parent or for those who have a child with special needs, the break will probably be appreciated even more. SW
Gadget protection
Small children and expensive electronics don't mix. Now everyone seems to have a smartphone or tablet and the risks of damaging their delicate touchscreens are even higher.
US firm Otterbox makes rugged cases for outdoor types such as sailors and builders but their drop-proof cases claim to be child-proof as well. These are available for a variety of Android and Apple devices with different levels of protection including waterproof in up to 2m of water. An Otterbox Defender case for a third generation iPad costs €89.95 from Compu B stores nationwide, while the LifeProof case for iPhone 5 is available from Carphone Warehouse stores for €79.99.
If you are a bit more of a fatalist, why not opt for gadget insurance instead which is now being offered by most home insurers as well as specialist operators such as JC
One night in a hotel
The idea of an uninterrupted night's sleep is nirvana for most parents of babies and young children. Choose somewhere within an hour's drive of their home – to cut down on travel time and the separation anxiety that (some) parents suffer on leaving their children behind. There are plenty of great B&B rates in hotels all over the country in the coming months and it doesn't have to be a room with a view – the sight of the bed alone will be cheering enough. Combine this with the offer above to babysit and you'll really make their Christmas. SW
Help with the drooling
Dribbling, drooling babies go with the turf but when teething means irritated skin and damp chests, it's time to do something about it. Mother-of-three Emily Godson has come up with CoziDry, a new babywear range of vests, bibs, babygros and onesies which claim to keep chests dry with an absorbent liner. The natural eucalyptus-based fabrics claim to be soft on skin unlike plastic-backed alternatives. With prices from €18 to €27, the products can be ordered online at A portion of the net profits goes to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland. JC
Cleaning voucher
Any parent with a wit of sense knows to prioritise children over housework. But chaos and grime can get you down after a while. Give time-pressed parents a lift by funding a blitz by professional cleaners – although it doesn't come cheap. A minimum of four hours by two people from the nationwide Maud's Home Services (01 401 1901;, for instance, costs €195. SW