Parents: Does your child own a smartphone?

New research shows 80% of 8-year-olds own a device connected to the internet

Ten per cent of 8-10-year-olds are online for more than four hours per day, according to new research. Photograph: iStock

Four out of five eight-year-olds own a smart device connecting them to the internet and half are already engaged in social media, new research by the charity Cyber Safe Ireland has found. Forty per cent of eight to 10-year-olds talk to strangers online, one in five has appeared in a YouTube video, one in ten are online for more than four hours a day, and more than a quarter of them play games designed for over-18s.

The Irish Times would like to hear from parents about their views and experiences. Do the findings surprise you? Does your child own a smartphone? At what age did they receive it? How long do they spend on it every day, and do you monitor their use of the device? Do you take any measures to ensure their safety online? What are the benefits of them owning a smart device? Do you have concerns? How much does it cost?

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