Parents: How are your children handling lockdown?

We’d like to hear from readers about how their kids are coping with the Covid-19 crisis

How are they coping being away from friends and extended family? How are they keeping in touch? Photograph: iStock

Seven weeks since schools and creches closed in Ireland, we would like to hear from readers about how their kids are doing in isolation.

How are they coping being away from friends and extended family? How are they keeping in touch? Do you think they are lonely, or bored? Are they worried, anxious? Are they playing more video games, watching more television, going online more often than they would before? How are they managing homework and assignments? Do you think they are getting enough exercise? Has ther behaviour changed? Are you finding it difficult to keep them entertained? Are you concerned about the long-term impacts on their wellbeing or development?

You can share your family's experience using this form. (If you are reading this in the app, click here.) A photograph is optional.

A selection may be published in The Irish Times online and/or in print.


Thank you.