Around The Block

Property group upbeat about growth prospects

Newly-appointed chairman of REA Barry McDonald with chief executive Philip Farrell

Last week’s Real Estate Alliance AGM was an upbeat affair by comparison with previous years.

The property group – comprised mainly of country agents – saw almost full attendance at the Keadeen Hotel in Newbridge, Co Kildare, with many members citing this year as their best since 2008.

Some agents reported a 60 per cent year on year increase in sales, which would offer some hope that fledgling green shoots in the property market are not just confined to the capital.

Pressure on rents was also a hot topic with members
pointing to rental increases of 20 per
cent in areas of south Dublin, while areas outside Dublin saw an average increase of 5 per cent.


Congratulations to Barry McDonald of REA McDonald Lucan who now takes on the role of REA chairman for the coming year.