There is no shortage of glamorous bath time options at North Shore. The copper-and-nickel tub in the main bedroom gets top marks for its views over Ireland's Eye. It's a reconditioned copper bateau tub and came from Wilsons Conservation Building Products in Co Down (048 92692304). Wilsons has one in stock for €5,721.
For a reproduction try Elegant John (01-865 8010) which sells a copper skirted bath with cast-iron interior, for €23,542.
The oval limestone bath in the guest bedroom is more contemporary. Called the Eye Caliza Moka bath, it's from ADL in Armagh (048 37525839) and costs around €10,000.
Closer to home, Antica (01-296 0136) in Dublin 14, also does a good range of oval or cradle baths in limestone and sandstone. Expect to pay around €30,000.