A list of property related courses, seminars and workshops.
Tutorial: BSc course tutorial (first, second, third and fourth year). February 18th. DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1 (King's Inn Street entrance).
Tutorial: residential and land agency course tutorial. February 18th. DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1. (King's Inn Street entrance).
Meeting: Northern Ireland regional meeting and seminar. Topic: commercial rating revaluation and new appeal procedure (2007). Speaker: Henry Spence. February 22nd, 7.30pm, Ramada Hotel, Belfast.
Seminar: rating revaluation. Speakers: Martin O'Donnell and a representative from the Valuation Office. February 23rd, 5.30pm, Alexander Hotel, Dublin 2.
Tutorial: residential and land agency course tutorial. March 4th. DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1. (King's Inn Street entrance).
Tutorial: BSc course tutorial (first, second, third and fourth year). March 4th. DIT, Bolton Street, Dublin 1 (King's Inn Street entrance).
CPD: weekend CPD conference. Topics: rent reviews, marketing your business and their properties, securing fee income from international referrals, Government's Transport 21 plan, overseas property purchase, tax planning for property investment. Speakers will consist of various experts on the above topics. March 10th from 3pm-5pm and March 11th from 9.30am-3pm.
Course: diploma in applied project management. Details: 01-6614677. Email:info@projectmanagement.ie or www.projectmanagement.ie.
CPD: designing for safety in construction. March 8th, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 and March 30th, Cork.
CPD: maintenance management for engineers. February 14th-15th, 22 Clyde Rd, Ballsbridge, D4.
CPD: quantities and estimating. February 16th and 17th, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
CPD: designing for safety in construction. February 27th. Venue: Limerick.
CPD: project management - module two. March 1st and 2nd - Limerick. March 15th and 16th - Clyde Road.
CPD: technical report writing. March 2nd and 3rd - Clyde Road.
Seminar: self-compacting concrete. March 9th. Clyde Rd.
CPD: traffic management at roadworks. March 16th. Clyde Road.
Workshop: Sir Bernard Crossland symposium and workshop. March 29th and 30th. Trinity College.
CPD: project management - module one. March 22nd and 23rd - Clyde Road.
Lecture: independent power plants in Spain (Amorebieta) and Northern Ireland (Coolkeeragh). Today at 6pm, Education Centre, Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Dublin 4. Details: Kevin Connolly at 01-2951056.
Lecture: techie brekkie - presented by Sean Weafer, Weafer Consulting. February 28th, 7.30am. The Atrium, Ulster Bank, George's Quay, Dublin 2. Fee: €15 (members), €20 (non-members). Buffet breakfast included.
Courses: furniture design (FETAC level two) one-year course.
Course: garden design (FETAC level two) one-year course.
Course: graphic design, fashion design (FETAC level two), one-year course. BTEC higher national diploma, two-year degree progression. Details: 01-2866233.
Morning course: interior design - one, two and three years. RHODEC Assoc diploma, higher national diploma, possible progression to DIT hons degree.
Course: garden design for one or two years for higher national diploma. One-year progression to honours degree.
Course: auctioneering (IPAVI) for one or two years for certificate. Two-year progression to honours degree.
Course: landscape design for one or two years for higher national diploma. One-year progression to honours degree. Details: 1800 2655343. Email: info@scd.ie or www.scd.ie.
Course: living willow structures with Greenmantle. March 4th and 5th. Fee: €160.
Course: gardening for wildlife with Miriam Crowly and Barbara McInerney. March 12th. Cost: €80.
Course: creating a wild flower area or meadow with EcoSeeds. April 8th. Fee: €80. All courses are from 10am to 5pm with lunch in the Grass Roof Cafe included. Details: 071-9854338 or email: organiccentre@eircom.net or visit www.theorganiccentre.ie.
Meeting: national executive council. February 17th, 4.30pm. IPAV Headquarters, 129 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2. Contact: 01-6785685 or visit www.ipav.ie.
Course: fine and decorative art certificate course commencing February. Subjects include the histories of furniture, painting, architecture and interiors, silver and glass. Also covered are Oriental rugs, costume, public sculpture and ceramics. Lectures held two evenings per week at IPAV Headquarters, 129 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.
Seminar: annual seminar. Landscape polygamy: marrying the client, the site and the designer. February 11th. Clinton Auditorium, University College, Dublin. Contact: GLDA office, 73 Deerpark Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin. Tel: 01 2781824. Email: info@glda.ie or visit www.glda.ie.
Course: University of Limerick, Department of Lifelong Learning and outreach property investment course - location, location, location. An eight-week course commencing February 14th until April 4th, 7.30pm to 9.30pm every Tuesday night. Course director: Mary FitzGerald. Details: 061-202530/202047. Email: lifelonglearning@ul.ie or visit www.ul.ie/dllo.
Exhibition: painting Ireland - topographical views from Glin Castle. Painting and drawing representing the provinces of Connacht, Leinster and Ulster from the collection of art historian Desmond FitzGerald, Knight of Glin. Exhibition will run until early April 2006. Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm. Admission: free. Irish Architectural Archive's Gallery, 45 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Details: 01-6633040. Email: info@iarc.ie or visit www.iarc.ie.
Seminars: changes in building regulations. Today at 8pm - Mount Brandon Hotel, Tralee, Co Kerry. February 15th - Citywest Hotel, Dublin. February 16th - Boyle Valley Hotel, Drogheda, Co Louth.
Organisations should send entries to Mary Hetherington before noon on Thursday for inclusion the following Thursday. Telephone 01 675 8000; fax: 01 675 8037;
e-mail: mhetherington@irish-times.ie