Down my way

We moved back to Maynooth from London because we felt it was a good place to bring up our four kids

We moved back to Maynooth from London because we felt it was a good place to bring up our four kids. I was away for 17 years and came back because I knew there were opportunities here.

I had a brother living in the town who could check prices for us and we bought a house on Meadowbrook. At the time we moved in, students used to knock at the door regularly looking for accommodation. There's a lot more choice for them now.

I work 10 minutes away from home as production co-ordinator with Hewlett Packard. When I worked in Dublin, it took up to one-and-a-half hours to get to town before the motorway was built. It's down to 45 minutes now. My wife, June, who is English, was apprehensive at first, but now she appreciates Maynooth so much we'd never leave. Just after we came here, she was out walking with the buggy and an old gentlemen doffed his hat to her as a sign of respect. It was something she'd never seen before.

In London, we always worried about letting the children out to play. It's easier to rear children here because they can play safely in the cul-de-sacs. June found it more relaxing.


Educationally, we discovered our children were a long way behind when we came over, but they soon caught up with the locals. There's not as much social life as there should be, with 250 youngsters playing soccer and GAA, yet no actual youth centre to keep them off the streets.

We have a good selection of restaurants in Maynooth and you'd never be short of something to eat.

My wife likes to meet friends for coffee and a bun at the Elite Bakery and the kids love the burger place on the Main Street. Then there's Moyglare Manor for a special occasion.

It's a very nice place to live.