Enterprise Ireland on the lookout for large head office

The newly formed State agency, Enterprise Ireland, is seeking a headquarters building in Dublin with around 120,000 sq ft

The newly formed State agency, Enterprise Ireland, is seeking a headquarters building in Dublin with around 120,000 sq ft. It is easily the largest office requirement by a semi-State body for about a decade. Enterprise Ireland, which promotes indigenous industry, was formed through the amalgamation of Forbairt, The Trade Board and part of FAS. Ideally, the new body would like to have all its officials under one roof provided that this can be done at a reasonable cost. If a single premises large enough to accommodate just over 1,000 people is found, the agency will be shedding a considerable volume of space in buildings at Glasnevin (where a State-owned 14-acre site has 113,000 sq ft of office space and 75,000 sq ft of laboratories and storage), Merrion Hall, Wilton Park House and Shelbourne Road. The current rent roll is £1.75 million with reviews due next year at Merrion Hall and Wilton Park House.

Enterprise Ireland is likely to have great difficulty in finding a single premises with 120,000 sq unless it is prepared to move to an out-of-town, location such as Sandyford. It could also relocate to a Cosgrave development of 120,000 sq ft of high-tech office space overlooking Dun Laoghaire Harbour, which has just been granted planning permission. Michael O'Donohoe of Colliers Jackson-Stops is advising Enterprise Ireland.