Salmon Fishing on the Boyne by Nano Reid (€25,000-€35,000) at Whyte’s


May 20th

Fonsie Mealy Auctioneers, The Chatsworth Fine Art Sale, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. 80 per cent of lots sold. Oil painting by Abraham Pether, €26,000 (€15,000-€20,000); Killarney yew-wood table, €15,000 (€15,000- €20,000); French commode, €10,000 (€4,000-€6,000). Forthcoming auctions

Monday, May 26th Whyte's Art auction, RDS, Dublin 4. 6pm. Viewing from today. Home with the Catch by Gerard Dillon (€60,000- €80,000); Salmon Fishing on the Boyne by Nano Reid (€25,000- €35,000); Painting 1930 by Mainie Jellett (€20,000- €30,000);Trees by Mary Swanzy (€15,000- €18,000).


Wednesday, May 28th Bonhams, London. Modern British and Irish Art. Auction at 2pm. Island Men Returning by Jack B Yeats €73,000-€ 97,000); Boats At Sea by Paul Henry (€73,000-€97,000); The Currach by Gerard Dillon (€24,000-€37,000).