Heavy hitters on auctioneers' new council

Some of the heaviest hitters in the property industry make up the new national council of the the Irish Auctioneers Valuers Institute…

Some of the heaviest hitters in the property industry make up the new national council of the the Irish Auctioneers Valuers Institute (IAVI), introduced to members at last week's lively president's lunch in Dún Laoghaire.

Now directly elected following a major revamp of the body's internal structures, the council's members are: Edward Carey, president, Robert Ganly, immediate past president, Kersten Mehl, Simon Ensor, Walter Murphy, Roland O'Connell, Des Purcell, John F Smith, Aine Myler, Philip Farrell, Paddy Jordan, and Bridget Daly.

Around 400 property people took a break from sitting in their offices waiting for the phone to ring and were entertained by James Caan, BBC2s Dragons Den panellist.

The recruitment specialist turned serial entrepreneur - who had his own brand manager with him - left everyone feeling a little cheerier by reassuring them that markets yes, rise as well as fall.