Design Moments: Monroe White House china, 1817

Commissioning a new dinner service has been a routine first lady task since 1817

The striking-looking set has gilt edges, a rich red deep rim and a dramatic large eagle in the centre

It’s a tradition that every new US administration refurbishes elements of the White House interior, and commissioning a new dinner service has been a routine first lady task since 1817 when president James Monroe ordered a presidential china service from Paris.

The striking-looking set has gilt edges, a rich red deep rim and a dramatic large eagle in the centre.  Modern “taste” (whatever that is) might regard it a little on the bling side, but it’s worth noting it because when – or if (it’s not a given) – first lady Melania Trump gets around to ordering her service it will almost certainly be compared with Michelle Obama’s one.

Classy restraint

With 3,250 pieces and costing $367,258 that design is all about classy restraint with a twist – the dominant feature is its blue rim, called Kailua blue – inspired by the waters around Barack Obama’s home state, Hawaii.

If Melania opts for something more baroque and gold-heavy there are many examples in the White House china cabinet even more over the top than Monroe’s.


And because incontinent spending is expected from the Trump administration it’s worth also noting that White House china has never come cheap – the Clintons’s 300-piece service cost $239,425 while Laura and George W Bush’s 320-piece service cost $492,798.