New homes at Dartry House

DEVELOPER EUGENE Renehan has got approval from An Bord Pleanála for a residential development on the grounds of Dartry House, …

DEVELOPER EUGENE Renehan has got approval from An Bord Pleanála for a residential development on the grounds of Dartry House, a large Victorian house off Orwell Park in Rathgar, Dublin 6. The permission is for around 67 apartments, 59 of which will be in four blocks.

The stables and outbuildings of Dartry House will be converted to provide eight apartments with a courtyard. The development, set on 3.9 acres, is to be on lands formerly owned by Mill Hill Missionaries who operated St Joseph's retirement and residential centre from the site. Renehan bought it for around €30 million in 2005.

The scheme will involve the demolition of all site buildings to the north of Dartry House.

Rathgar Residents Association was one of two parties to appeal the scheme to An Bord Pleanála saying it is out of character with the Victorian architecture of Orwell Park. It also had concerns about the impact of the development on Dartry House, a protected structure.


However the board ruled it would not seriously injure the character or setting of Dartry House and would provide a reasonable standard of amenity for the occupants.

Last year An Bord Pleanála refused Renehan permission to build 83 apartments on the site, saying it would interfere with the setting of Dartry House.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times