Plan to demolish D4 offices and build two new blocks

DEVELOPER David Daly of Albany Homes has applied to demolish Franklin House on Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, and build two office…

DEVELOPER David Daly of Albany Homes has applied to demolish Franklin House on Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, and build two office blocks ranging in height from four to eight storeys and connected by an atrium.

Daly bought Franklin House from developer Gerrry Gannon in 2006 for €25 million.

All of the sites suitable for development in the centre of Ballsbridge are owned by a small group of high-profile developers, most of whom paid huge prices.

As well the Jurys Berkeley Court site, developer Sean Dunne owns Hume House, also on Pembroke Road, which he bought for €130 million and where he hopes to build a 14-storey office block.


Bernard McNamara and Jerry O'Reilly, paid €46 million last year for Carrisbrook House, which is on the corner of Northumberland Road.