Planning secured for 355 houses near Strawberry Beds

In west Dublin, Shannon Homes has secured permission for 355 detached houses on a 73-acre site with access points from the Strawberry…

In west Dublin, Shannon Homes has secured permission for 355 detached houses on a 73-acre site with access points from the Strawberry Beds Road, opposite Lucan Bridge. A new distributor road is to be built through the site.

In Dublin 7, Drumriley Construction has lodged two planning applications to a mixed development on the Bailey Waste premises, backing on to Grangegorman Hospital, at Manor Street. The residential element will have 22 duplex units, 8 twobedroom dormer houses and two apartments. The site is also to be used for 10 B1 type two-storey light industrial units with a floor area of over 22,000 square feet.

Jackson Properties has lodged a planning application to demolish the existing buildings at Anne's Convent, Upper Kilmacud Road, Kilmacud, and to replace them with 26 houses and 44 duplex apartments.

Meanhwhile, The Georgian House Hotel, at Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, has sought planning permission to provide an additional 57 bedrooms and to redevelop a rear bedroom wing.