Savills new head of residential is a Dubliner returned from Notting Hill

Robbie Dillon has 10 years London experience and real estate in his veins

Angus Potterton, managing director, Savills Ireland (left), and Robbie Dillon, newly appointed head of residential sales. Photograph: Fennell Photography

Savills has hit the ground running in 2018 with the appointment of a new head of its residential division. And not before time. The position became vacant when Graham Murray, formerly of Sherry Fitz, left the role in Savills in late 2016 – after a four- year stint – to rejoin Sherry Fitz.

The position has now been filled by returning Dubliner Robbie Dillon, who leaves UK estate agent Marsh & Parsons after 10 years working in the London property market, where most recently he was director of its Notting Hill office.

From the glamorous streets of Notting Hill to dear old dirty Dublin, lets hope Dillon won’t find it all too sleepy hollow round these parts, with second-hand property stock levels in Dublin at an all-time low.

Dillon will have the not insubstantial task of expanding Savills second-hand property sales department – incorporating its Dawson Street, Blackrock and Clontarf branches – in addition to the country homes and land division.


Savills added to its residential team last year with the appointment of another former UK agent – the colourful Ben Lillington Lester to look after the upper-end properties of south Co Dublin.

No doubt Dillon has plenty of hard-earned on the ground experience from his years pounding the residential streets of London, but he also comes with real estate blood coursing through his veins. His mother is none other than Mary Dillon, a stalwart of Sherry Fitz for almost 25 years, who in recent years has developed and managed its countrywide network of franchisees and its Christies country homes and estates team.

As Dillon senior steps down this year, it marks the start of a new era for  the next generation.