Shrewsbury residents rise up for city and citizens

Shrewsbury Road Residents are up in arms over the latest proposal for the former Chester Beatty library by O'Malley Homes and…

Shrewsbury Road Residents are up in arms over the latest proposal for the former Chester Beattylibrary by O'Malley Homes and Developments Ltd which they say would affect their "premier showcase roadway".

In a long running saga involving eight years and eight planning applications, the residents are appealing permission granted by the council for seven three-storey over basement houses on the site. They say the scheme would "impinge greatly" upon current densities on the road "which are chiefly responsible for the unique character of Shrewsbury Road and its exalted position as the premier showcase roadway in the city of Dublin". Not that they are protecting their interests. They are doing it to "preserve and improve the character of the city for all its citizens".

Solicitor and developer Stephen MacKenzie, a long time opponent of successive proposals for the Chester Beattysite - who happens to live next door - maintains each planning application has sought "an incremental increase" on the previous. "If this form continues on then this will be just a preliminary round in a series of planning applications to see how many (even larger) houses can be squeezed on the site."

He says the owners of six houses on the road have been refused permission for developments. "Given the very public profile of the value of these homes, it is obvious that monetary gain is the primary motivation behind all these applications." Perish the thought.