Slovakia apartments from €100,000

EasternEuropeanInvestments Some 166 apartments ranging in price from €100,000 up to €150,000 are for sale off-plans in Zilina…

EasternEuropeanInvestments Some 166 apartments ranging in price from €100,000 up to €150,000 are for sale off-plans in Zilina, a city in north-west Slovakia about 300km from Bratislava.

Amfiteater, left, will be a modern development of one to three-bedroom apartments with wooden floors, modern kitchen units, main bedrooms with large terraces, cable TV and internet access and 249 car-parking places. There is also a lobby with 24-hour reception, a children's playroom and playground and a modern fitness centre free to residents.

Zilina, a city with a population of 700,000, is in a historic area of natural beauty, with skiing nearby. It is also growing rapidly, with Korean car manufacturer KIA building its first European factory in the city.

Slovakia Property is holding a seminar about the development in Dublin on November 9th.