Thinking of downsizing – why not make a TV show of it?

New TV series ‘Goodbye House’ will film a different family’s downtrader experience each week

Goodbye House: will ask families to share their downsize history with the viewing nation.

Selling up the family home of many years to move to a smaller house can be a traumatic yet liberating experience. Now television producers, Stellify Media are seeking families willing to share their downsizing story with the nation for a new series of Goodbye House.

The production company, which ran a pilot programme of Goodbye House in June, 2017, wants to hear from families who are willing to have a bit of fun while house-hunting for a parent who is moving out of a family home already vacated by their adult children.

Tanya Woods featured in the pilot of Goodbye House in 2017. She describes the experience of finding a home for her mother, Rosemary Woods, as "a lot of fun".

“Initially, we noticed the cameras in our face but then it was almost as if there weren’t people in the house at all, as we talked about what kind of house mammy needed. At one stage during the filming of us having Sunday dinner together, there were nine people in the room with us and three more outside making sure nobody called to the house.”


This time, Stellify Media will run a full series of Goodbye House, filming a different family's experience each week.

“It’s a heartwarming celebration of a family home and the family that lived in it. Each week, we meet a parent who wants to downsize and with the help of their children, other family members or friends, their new home will be chosen,” says Leah Wallace, casting producer with Stellify.

Good-humoured rivalry between adult children selecting prospective homes for their parents will be encouraged.

Filming of each episode is expected to take a maximum of four days for each family. To apply email or phone 087 2301210

Read about Tanya Wood's experience of helping her mother, Rosemary Woods find a suitable home (