How to sell your home
Although you may never venture into it, your attic, whether a high-ceiling room or a crawl space, could well be examined by thorough house hunters and must be up to prying eyes.
Often an area neglected by vendors, it's wise to remember that your attic is for sale too, and it is an area that could give your house the edge on others if it is suitable for conversion.
In modern-day life, space is a big issue for house hunters so ensure that you attic is up to scratch.
Now, that doesn't mean a total overhaul is required but, like any other room, have it in a condition that shows the potential of the space.
If your attic is reached by a flight of stairs they must be clutter-free and well lit.
If your attic space is reached by a folding set of stairs pulled from the ceiling, the mechanism must be in perfect working order and again make sure there is adequate lighting.
Next, tidy up your attic space and install bright lights.
Get rid of all that old junk that you have been hiding away in the attic. Anything that you don't plan to bring to your new home must go. Any remaining stored materials should be neatly contained in boxes and positioned against the walls.
If you are lucky enough to have a large windowed attic be sure to show if off to its maximum. It could be a potential gym, playroom or that all-important extra bedroom for house hunters. There is no need to renovate your attic, just stage it to suggest your attic space has potential. As with any other room, if your attic does have windows, be sure to clean off the grime and let in as much light as possible.
Also make sure that any energy-saving insulation is apparent.