Thumbs up for 241 homes on Old Wesley club grounds in Stepaside

CASTLETHORN CONSTRUCTION has been given permission to develop the grounds of Old Wesley Rugby Club in Stepaside, Co Dublin.

CASTLETHORN CONSTRUCTION has been given permission to develop the grounds of Old Wesley Rugby Club in Stepaside, Co Dublin.

An Bord Pleanála has given the go-ahead for the scheme which will see 241 homes built on the site, located on the outskirts of the fast-developing south Dublin village.

Going against the advice of its own planning inspector to reduce the proposed scheme by half, An Bord Pleanála cut the scheme back by only 39 units.

The inspector had recommended that the board refuse permission for residential units on the northern section of the site on the grounds that these lands are covered by a zoning objective, which seeks to preserve and provide open space and recreational amenities.


The board, however, did not take the same view and ruled that the proposal did not contravene the zoning provisions of the development plan.

The developer now has permission to demolish the former rugby club and pitches to make way for houses, duplex units and apartments in blocks of up to six storeys.

A one-hectare segment of the overall 4.8-hectare site has been reserved for a playing pitch.

Among objectors to the scheme were An Taisce which criticised the proposed development because of the loss of playing pitches and inadequate public open space.

Local residents groups also objected to the scheme on a number of grounds, including overlooking, overshadowing, loss of pitches and impact on schools and traffic.

An Bord Pleanála stipulated that the developer must pay €1.47 million towards the extension of the Luas line from Sandyford to Cherrywood.

The decision comes after Castlethorn Construction secured planning permission to redevelop part of the former Dún Laoghaire Golf Club course.