Tower near Hopstore opposed

An Taisce is opposing a mixed-use development with a high rise tower in the Liberties because it says it would have a negative…

An Taisce is opposing a mixed-use development with a high rise tower in the Liberties because it says it would have a negative impact on the Guinness Storehouse.

An Taisce has appealed planning permission granted to developer Frank Flynn for a mixed-use development at the junction of Bellevue and School Street and adjacent to the Guinness Hopstore. It would comprise around 80 apartments in three blocks rising to nine storeys and a 12-storey tower and would involve the demolition of a school on School Street.

The rear yard of the Hopstore building would also be upgraded as part of the development and a footpath at Bellevue widened to create a new plaza.

An Taisce says that, while it broadly welcomes the regeneration of the site which is key to the Liberties/Digital Hub area, the proposed development would have a negative impact on the residential amenity of the area and its local landmark, the Guinness Hopstore.


It says Thomas Court, which is in a Residential Conservation Area, contains protected structures on its west side adjoining the seven-storey block of the proposed development and would suffer significant overlooking and loss of evening light. It says the Guinness Hopstore is in proximity to the proposed development and is a top visitor attraction.

It says the glass Gravity Bar is a significant viewing platform in the city and the proposed development to the east would "unquestionably alter views from the bar, and impact on the storehouse as a city landmark".

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times