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Apartments for town centre site at new Hilton Hotel Spectrum Developments Limited is looking to build 152 apartments which would…

Apartments for town centre site at new Hilton HotelSpectrum Developments Limited is looking to build 152 apartments which would form part of the Malahide Road town centre, completing the urban block containing the Hilton Hotel and another apartment block.

The development ranges in four to seven storeys, with an eight-storey feature corner. The apartments will have balconies and the proposal is for two new roads to the north and west of the proposed development.

An east-west road will link the development to the City Junction business park. There will also be 172 car-parking spaces at basement and 22 at street level.

The directors of Spectrum Developments are Liam Vincent Walls and Michael Paul Walls and John Cahill.


Renovations at Buswells

Buswells Hotel at 23-27 Molesworth Street in Dublin 2 has submitted a Section 5 application under the Planning and Development Act to see if proposed renovations were exempt from planning permission.

Dublin City Council says planning permission is not required for works that would not materially affect the character of the hotel, which is a protected structure, including the removal of a staircase leading from the ground floor to the lounge area and basement, and the reinstatement of the floor where the staircase was removed on the ground floor.

It is also allowing general redecoration of the area where the staircase was removed and the renewal of an existing modern timber framed glass screen in the entrance hall.

Approval has also been given for the insertion of partitions in the basement bar area to create two meeting rooms and an access corridor.

However, it says planning permission will be required for the enlargement of an existing window to form a new external doorway at basement level and the formation of a new internal doorway at basement level.