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Planning developments to look out for

Planning developments to look out for

Plan by bookies for former O'Connell Street bank rejected

Paddy Power Bookmakers has been refused planning permission by Dublin City Council to refurbish the former Bank of Ireland premises at 28 Lower O'Connell Street and turn the protected building into a betting shop and sports café. The company's proposal was to refurbish the plasterwork, timberwork and flooring and install three satellite dishes on the roof. It also intended to clean the facade and put up new signage. The first, second and third floors were to be converted from banking offices to a restaurant and café.

Hotel to extend into bank


The owner of the Jackson Court Hotel on Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 - Laois man Cathal Jackson - is looking to extend the premises into the adjacent former ICC Bank offices.

The planning application to Dublin City Council involves extending and altering the former bank and a mews building to the rear, both protected structures. A link would be built between the two buildings at basement level and the development would add nine bedrooms - giving it a total of 34. There would also be alternations to the main building, to provide for a breakfastroom, kitchen and landscaped courtyard and a new lift in the exiting west return extension.

Mixed-use D4 scheme cleared

Developer David Daly has been granted planning permission by Dublin City Council to demolish numbers 45, 47 and 49 Shelbourne Road in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 and build a four-storey over basement building with a restaurant, retail unit, office unit and retail unit, as well as nine one and two-bed apartments on the upper floors, and a recessed upper penthouse level.

200-bed hotel for Park West

Airscape Ltd is looking to build a hotel at Park West Business Park off the Nangor Road in Dublin 10. The four-to-seven storey hotel would have 15,640 sq m (168,347 sq ft) of space with 200 bedrooms, and 200 car-parking spaces at underground level. The proposal also includes a conference academy, relaxation centre, bar, restaurant and landscaping of part of the public esplanade.