A GREAT day was had by all at the free Easter egg treasure hunt at Ardgillan Castle on Easter Monday, except that is for the kids who were refused an Easter egg at the end because they didn’t know the exact whereabouts of Ardgillan castle.
Anyone who put Balbriggan on their answer slip got an egg, but those who put Skerries or hedged their bets with “between Skerries and Balbriggan” were sent home eggless and with a complimentary geography lesson.
Some parents protested that the castle’s own website lists Skerries as the address. However they could have been confused by a very official looking imposter website, ardgillanskerries.com. “I don’t understand why that website is there, I don’t know what the motivation is,” said a spokesman for Ardgillan castle (the real website is ardgillancastle.ie ).
He says it was a mistake that children didn’t get their egg and the lady in charge of egg control was actually a party entertainer drafted in for the day. “She must have assumed the question was relevant, but the main reason the slips were handed out was to get email addresses to inform people about future events.”