Grafton Street:In fairness to Dublin City Council, the white lights are magnificent, as is the giant fir tree at St Stephen's Green, though it could do with more lights and tinsel.
Kevin HowlinIrish tweed waistcoats, jackets and coats to last a lifetime. Okay, a bit scratchy to begin with, a small price to pay for authenticity plus courteous service in Dublin's Nassau Street.
BoseWhat to get the man who has everything, including an iPod? Bose headphones or speakers. This sound puts you in the pit of the orchestra or the heaving mass of a rock concert.
Sufjan Stevens' alternative Christmas carols Did I Make You Cry On Christmas Day? (Well You Deserved It!) and That Was The Worst Christmas Ever are twisted classics while his Come O Come Emmanuel jingles all our bells.
Christmas FM 89.9On the air until St Stephen's Day, with all proceeds going to the ISPCC.
EmptyATMs Banks need to keep refilling ATMs during the party season. Don't forget about consumer liquidity. We like a swift Guinness and change for the bus home.
Facebook phoniesWhy be our Facebook Friend if you walk straight past us in the pub? We love the happy-go-lucky spirit of this social networking site . . . but keep it real.
BoyzoneDue to "phenomenal" demand they've added another date to their 2009 tour, on May 27th. We'll have a "phenomenal" migraine that night.
'Doing a five'Don't ring our voicemail directly (by putting a 5 before our number). If you have to cancel, show some backbone and tell us straight.
Party boresThey come bearing stories about crèche fees, graphic medical problems and kitchen tiling. "Do you know where the bathroom is?" is a water-tight escape clause.
Barking dogsWhy keep a dog alone all day yapping at his shadow out the back? It sets off an orchestral woofing and keeps babies awake.