What's hot and what's not

What's hot and what's not

Thumbs Up

Guaranteed IrishExpect to see this 1980s icon make quite the comeback in the next few months

• DailyBeast.comTina Brown's new e-zine is a strange upmarket magazine/tabloid hybrid.


Economics classesIt's time for some learnin'. Start with the difference between percentage and percentage point

MandarinThe language - not the fruit. Time to put it on the curriculum, isn't it?

Corner shop securityThe dudes at Spar and Centra get no thanks but are the unsung heroes of our high streets

Thumbs Down

GHDs for menIs that hair we smell burning? Leave the electric hair straighteners to your missus

Pajama PeopleYou and your pink fluffy slippers have forsaken us just because there's a nip in the air

Nail bars for tweensCosmetics might make them feel like princesses, but hands off their childhood

• LiquidityIt drips off the tongue, but wouldn't be a problem if you cut your cloth accordingly in the first place

Anguished tradersThe scary headlines are bad enough, but do we have to see their grimaces too?

Pushy hostsIf dinner guests don't want a drink, don't force them, or, heaven help us, ask why they're not drinking

Quentin Fottrell