Individual art

Artdob stands for art date of birth, and it's the name of a new business set up by artist Elin Hayes

Artdob stands for art date of birth, and it's the name of a new business set up by artist Elin Hayes. A graduate of the National College of Art and Design, she had earned her living from painting for the past 10 years, specialising in painting Irish pubs around the world, and also film sets.

After the birth of her first child she was spending more time at her home in Rathcoole, Co Dublin, and she used her painting skills to make birthday, Christmas and anniversary presents for family and friends.

She painted scenes relevant to the subject's life and these gifts were so well received she has gone into business doing them to order.

Most of her work has been done for children, but other occasions are catered for, too.


Christenings and retirements, she says, are new fields. For children, a birth date is often chosen, or a family pet, or their house.

Hobbies and family trees are popular with older subjects. Indeed any theme, even a photograph, can be incorporated into the work of art. The paintings cost €200 and are acrylic on canvas, varnished to preserve colour and luminosity.